Tuesday, October 5, 2010

College Apps

Hey Everyone its us again. Tommorow Cherish and I have Cuny shut down. This means every senior in our school gets excused from classes and works on Cuny apps all day. I'm excited and yet not excited. I'm ecited bcause I'll be filling out apps and get accquainted with them and yet I'm not excited because well things can get boring doing that.

We know for sure the Cuny schools we are applying too which are Hunter College and Baruch and Macaulay Honors.
We aren't neccesarily wanting to go to a Cuny school but it won't stop us from applying to the best of them.

For sure we can't wait until private and out of state day.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


What happened to the summer? It seems as if Cherish and I haven't had a summer vacation yet. We're done with school and now it seems as if were going straight back! Don't get us wrong we're looking forward to graduating but not before we've had some time to relax and stay up late.

On the good note we have been back to school shopping a little. Our mini 2 day 1 night vacation to Atlantic City gave us some summer fun. As Cherish and I were saying we haven't been to a restaurant in a few months and going to A. C had established us a great dinner with Cherish having a Salmon Filet with mash potatoes and I a Flonder Filet.

Summer has to end though.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catching Up.

Hey everyone, its been seriously too long. But we've been absent for a reason. Cherish and I took a college class at Long Island University in Psychology. We simply didn't have time to blog. Our apologies. The class was challenging and we feel it was a great experience for us. We both got the end grade of A- which is pretty good to still be in high school taking a psychology course.

Our baby boys are here! It started off as a good pregnancy and went a little rocky at the end but nonetheless our boys are here and they have been so sweet and not to mention cute! Cherish named her little boy Micah Arlo Nicholas or as we call him "Micah Mouse" and I named my sweetie pie Omri Indio Sebastian. His nickname is "Omlette". We love them to pieces and we'll be having a baby shower for them next month. To keep up with the boys visit our youtube channel made just for them. Youtube.com/BroadwayTwinz

Monday, June 14, 2010

Angry Dance

We are so not happy right now! Anyone who knows us, know that we are huge Broadway fans. We know every lyric, every line, every piece of choreography to almost every musical or play that is or was on Broadway. So once a year we tune in to watch the Tony's and we root for whichever show we've seen earlier in the season or a show we want to see. This season hands down our favorite show was Fela!. It's upbeat, it's funny, the music is fantastic, and the acting is superb. When we saw it in November we knew that it was going to snag all the Tony's it was nominated for, because that's just how awesome it is... it's mind boggling how incredible it is!
Needless to say yesterday night at 8pm Joy and I were glued to the television screen anticipating the best award show on earth. Sean Hayes was hosting and he was hilarious, but then why wouldn't he be?! Kristin Chenoweth one our favorite actresses of all time made appearances because she's in Promises, Promises(by the way we want to see that also)and the performances by the different company's were great as always but whenever a category Fela! was nominated for was being announced it seemed that no matter how hard we crossed our fingers they lost time after time after time...until Bill T. Jones won for best choreography. Our spirits were lifted but not enough. When the winner of the best musical was anounced and it wasn't Fela! why it got crazy in our home. We stomped and yelled and fussed, we just couldn't believe it!
Long story short, Fela! lost to Memphis. I know the cast of Memphis worked hard and the show is probably a good show but we don't think it should have won for best musical. Claps to the cast and crew of Memphis anyway.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

College Bound

Cherish and I are finishing our junior year of high school. So that means we are closing in on high school experience and are starting to look up colleges we would like to go to. We are so done with high school.
First off Cherish and I have been in love with Columbia University since the 7th grade. That has been the only school on our list up until sophmore year which we added NYU to our mix. Now we have added Stanford, Barnard and some Cuny and Suny schools.
Cherish and I are really anticipating college. College is our time to discover and hone our interest. We are adults studying for our careers, embarking on another road... where will it lead?
We plan on going to the same school. We enjoy each others company and being in school together doesn't phase us. So watch out colleges we're on our way.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Cherish and I are so excited. We have officially started thinking of ourselves as doll collectors. We have been interested in the world of reborning and we are finally going to get one. We contacted a sculpter and artist Claire Taylor to create our custom reborns for us.

For those of you who don't know what reborns are, they are the cutest and most life like dolls ever. What's really cool is that with Reborn you can adopt a made doll already or get a custom one. Cherish and I are getting two custom african american boys. I am naming mines Omri Indio Sebastian to compliment his older doll brother Caleb. Cherish is deciding between Crispin Arlo Nicholas or Channing Arlo Nicholas to add on to Leah her girl doll.

We can't wait and once we get them we will post pics.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hear That Agents Were Twins and We know ASL

All twins had their own language as babies and toddlers. Remember the freaky Law&Order:SVU episode? Well we had our own language according to our mother and therapists, but we grew up and forgot our language so therefore we had been trying for years to make our own unique way to communicate that was foreign to non "us" ears. With many attempts and years later we got it. American Sign Language! We knew basic signs as toddlers why not become more advance with it? This way we can sign to each other in class and don't have to worry about talking loudly. It's perfect. Might I say we are coming along at it well and it's fun. So big props to Signing for Kids by Mickey Flodin. It's an awesome introductory to learning sign language.

Yes We Dress Alike!

There are people who are all for twins dressing the same, then there are thoughs who frown upon it. We think let twins decide if they want to dress alike. Not all identicals are carbon copies of each other. We are separate people with our own function and style. We went through a phase where we dressed completely different. I(Joy) dressed like a boy and Cherish not so much. We were expressing ourselves and now we prefer to dress the same or similar.

What Cherish and I have in common is our style. We love simple clothing. That includes hoodies, jeans, t- shirts and polo shirts. Luckily for us we wear uniform to school so yeah, you get a double dose of us dressing the same. When we are not in uniform we try to get t- shirts and things in our signature pink(Joy) and purple(cherish). If we see something we both like and there are no alternative colors we buy it anyway. No big deal.

People say that's not fair, you both are giving us a reason to mix you two up. Not really! Just because we dress the same doesn't mean we are the same. I have locks and Cherish doesn't. Duh not exactly the same. I'll blog on that another time. I(Joy) wear pink glasses and Cherish black what's the same in that? Waiting. . . there is no similarity.

Us dressing alike is a choice. We know who we are so we don't need to dress different for identity purposes. We just want people to reconigze that although identical we can still dress the same and be different.