Monday, June 7, 2010


Cherish and I are so excited. We have officially started thinking of ourselves as doll collectors. We have been interested in the world of reborning and we are finally going to get one. We contacted a sculpter and artist Claire Taylor to create our custom reborns for us.

For those of you who don't know what reborns are, they are the cutest and most life like dolls ever. What's really cool is that with Reborn you can adopt a made doll already or get a custom one. Cherish and I are getting two custom african american boys. I am naming mines Omri Indio Sebastian to compliment his older doll brother Caleb. Cherish is deciding between Crispin Arlo Nicholas or Channing Arlo Nicholas to add on to Leah her girl doll.

We can't wait and once we get them we will post pics.

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